reset and begin

nhạc trên flash

ile xml:

cau truc

music ->nhac src = >




file fla : 1 combox 1 text

code :

// import this so it can be used to set the scope of the combobox listener and the xml onload routine

import mx.utils.Delegate;

// declare variables

var people:Array;

var update:String;

var dirpath:String;

// create a new color object to associate with the bgcolor movieclip

var bgcol:Color;

// set up the XML instance

var peoplexml:XML = new XML();

// initialize items on stage"fontFamily", "Verdana");"fontSize", 11);

// define what should happen when the XML loads

// (read data into update, dirpath, and people variables)

function onXmlLoaded(success:Boolean) {

if (success) {

// make a handle to the root node in the xml

var mainnode:XMLNode = peoplexml.firstChild;

update = mainnode.attributes.lastupdate;

dirpath = mainnode.attributes.dir;

// set up an array of all person nodes

var peoplenodes:Array = peoplexml.firstChild.childNodes;

for (var i:Number = 0; i < xmlnode =" peoplenodes;







// data is all read and put in the right place -- now setup the screen

// using this data


} else {

trace('error reading XML');



function setup() {

// set up chosefile dropdown

chosefile.labelField = "pname";

chosefile.dataProvider = people;

chosefile.addEventListener("change", Delegate.create(this, loadScreen));


function loadScreen(evt:Object) {

var thisitem:Object =;

txtdetail.text = thisitem.desc;

txtdetail.vPosition = 0;

my_sound.loadSound(thisitem.desc, true);


function init() {

// initialize the people array

people = [{pname:"Choose one"}];

// set up the xml instance to ignore whitespace between tags

peoplexml.ignoreWhite = true;

// set the scope of the onLoad function to the main timeline, not peoplexml

peoplexml.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, onXmlLoaded);

// initialize the bgcol color variable by associating it with the background movieclip

// start the xml loading



var my_sound:Sound = new Sound();

my_sound.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {

var totalSeconds:Number = this.duration/1000;

trace(this.duration+" ms ("+Math.round(totalSeconds)+" seconds)");

var minutes:Number = Math.floor(totalSeconds/60);

var seconds = Math.floor(totalSeconds)%60;

if (seconds


Profiles Information

About me : Nothing is 1 vài thứ - 1985

Places I've Lived : I Hà Nội

Home Page :

Think : 1:1000000000

Languages spoken : Vietnamese,English.

Mobile : sony C2305

dell : i3-Ram 3GB- HDD 250GB .